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Jesus Loves You

7 am | Monday - Saturday (302) 202-1102  Code 310330*

Before Trumpet In Zion Church of God in Christ ever had a physical edifice to worship in there was the TIZ Prayer Line. It began every day from 10 am - 12 pm, and later to accommodate the working class 7 am. Believers and non-believers alike pinged into the line muting their phones just to hear a word from the Lord, request prayer for their loved ones/circumstances, or maybe just pray themselves. The Prayer Line began to grow so much the Founders requested that everyone if possible could keep their prayers concise yet heartfelt so that everyone could get a chance to pray. Many testimonies of deliverance, and miracles have been shared encouraging people "Cling To God" keep the faith; like our Pastor always says there is just 24 hours in a day we can at least spend 10% of that time with Jesus (which only equates to 2 hours and 40 minutes)!
Take A Listen To Some Of Our Prayer Line Broadcasts Here

Trumpet In Zion & The Lord's Church Loves You!!!

May God Bless & Keep You!


The Men's Department Prayer Line

7 pm Wednesdays

(302) 202-1102 Code 310330*

The men of TIZ & TLC believe in supporting one another! Prayer & Communication with God is essential for the Godly Man to lead a life pleasing to The Lord. 

The Sister's Circle Prayer Line

7 pm Fridays

(302) 202-1102 Code 310330*

The women of TIZ & TLC desiring to connect with one another on a more personal level started having 7 pm Friday night prayer meetings the First Lady Lillian Hunt coining the phrase "Fruitful Fridays" where each woman says something inspirational in 5 words or less.

"If we don't do anything else, we're going to PRAY!!" - Lady Hunt

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